Friday 20 August 2010

A strange admiration

In my old blog I have already confessed that I'm a sucker for trees (read the post here), and today i chose to share another photo of a tree. I often see trees that I really like when I'm on my way somewhere and therefore never get to take photos of them, but this tree is just in the forest by Eiker Golf Club. This is one of my favourite trees, I love the branches and the yellow and green color. With this post, I also want to wish my readers a happy weekend, as I'm heading off for even more nature and quiet, the Norwegian mountains.


  1. Til opplysning : det er en ask !

  2. Ooops, this blog is quite a contrast with the Oslo/Parisian picutures. Gives a good view, though. Success!

  3. Nice and green. This one is a winner!
